Start-Up Years
Gardensheds, Inc., was founded in 1993 by Nellie Ahl in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The inspiration to begin the business was the desire to offer what was not available in the marketplace—classic architectural design with historical heritage, quality materials and craftsmanship. What began as a modest kitchen table operation eventually blossomed into a million dollar business with a devoted clientele.
Coincidentally, in 2004 Ken Smith, a seasoned designer and entrepreneur with extensive experience in manufacturing, moved from Princeton, NJ to a historic property (c.1723) in Lambertville, NJ. While searching for an authentic period reproduction smokehouse to place on the property he serendipitously stumbled upon the Williamsburg Garden shed—a distinctive square clapboard structure with cedar shingle hip roof and a dovecote cupola. On seeing an actual model Ken was impressed with the quality design and craftsmanship and immediately placed an order. The design was reminiscent of outbuildings Ken had long admired at Colonial Williamsburg. Upon delivery of the Williamsburg Classic model Ken called the owner to inquire if she might be willing to sell her business.
Changing of the Guard
While appreciative of the offer, Nellie politely rejected the idea because she was still engaged and enjoying the business. Just the same, Ken was politely persistent. Nellie eventually came around to the realization that she was soon turning 70 and would need to someday sell the business. With his skill set and experience Ken was delighted to receive Nellie’s enthusiastic endorsement to usher the business into a new era. Ken became the new owner at start of the New Year 2006.
During the 19 years that Ken managed the business many new directions were introduced. The original design catalogue of six models was expanded to more than fifty. Building materials from top to bottom were carefully evaluated and upgraded to further enhance and distinguish the buildings. New manufacturing techniques were introduced. Soon a company owned facility was opened in Flemington, New Jersey to better oversee and maintain quality control.
The Growth Years
Most importantly, an innovative business model was introduced. Previously, buildings were limited in size and geographic distribution. Ken reasoned that offering pre-cut, fully engineered, ready-to-assemble building kits was the ideal solution to expand building offerings and to reach a wider geographic distribution. The success of this unique building kit business model continues to fuel the growth of the business.

In 2016 another fortuitous event occurred. Ken received a building kit order from a client in Greenwich, CT (a location with many Gardensheds clients). The woman had a carpenter she had worked with previously who could manage the assembly. After hearing from the client how delighted she was with her new building, Ken, on a whim, reached out to the same carpenter to ask if he would be interested in working on other Gardensheds projects. The carpenter, Robert Lupinski, welcomed the opportunity.
Eight years later Robert has delivered and installed a countless number of our client projects, traveling from Austin, TX to Harpswell, Maine and all points between. Invariably every client raves about what a talented carpenter/craftsman and personable/conscientious person Robert is. Needless to say, he quickly became an integral and indispensable part of the business both in and out of the shop.
Copyright Infringement
After discovering that another company had blatantly stolen one of our online project pictures, associated it with their company name, and had it published in a magazine we investigated and discovered that this same PA-based company had violated our registered copyright protection with one of our models—not once, but numerous times. We took swift legal action in Federal Court in Philadelphia and reached an out of court financial settlement. This incident was an unfortunate reminder that there are some without integrity who do not play by the rules.
To Infinity and Beyond
Entering 2025, after 19 years at the helm of Gardensheds, Inc. Ken decided to pass the ownership baton onto his good friend and colleague of nine years, Robert Lupinski. To his credit, Robert fully understands every facet of the business. Ken, still passionate about the business and working with new clients, remains fully involved with Gardensheds focusing exclusively on design, marketing and sales while Robert focuses his attention on shop management, manufacturing, shipping, delivery and assemblies.
To mark the new ownership change, the company has been re-branded to GS-OB, LLC, to better reflect the wider reach of the business with both Gardensheds and Outbuildings.
COPYCAT BEWARE: All of our designs are original, exclusive to GS-OB, LLC. As such we are fiercely protective and, when required, have initiated successful legal action against any perceived infringement resulting in awarding of significant monetary damages.