Delivery Options

We offer range of options from our Flemington, NJ shop as follows:

1) FULLY ASSEMBLED less than 10′ wide buildings ship via independent carrier on trailer with “Mule” machine to assist with offload and to shuttle building into place. Delivery includes shop load, transport, off-load, tolls/fuel/insurance, install of skirt boards and cupola (if ordered). Payment payable direct to transporter.

2) ONSITE ASSEMBLY BY GS-OB: We ship/We deliver/We assemble. Delivery fee separate charge. This is popular option with small/large buildings with limited site access or a fully assembled building that is too large for transport restrictions.

3) ONSITE ASSEMBLY BY OTHER: Independent carrier ship. Depending on method of ship may require offload assistance. Materials should be safely stored and protected until ready for project assembly.

4) BUILDING KIT PICK-UP: You bring a suitably sized U-Haul/Penske rental truck with requisite moving blankets and straps to our Flemington, NJ shop; we load, you drive. Load charge fee variable.

5) POD® CONTAINER DELIVERY: Typically 16′ container delivered to our shop. We load. Carrier transports. You off-load. Materials safely stored until ready to begin project.